Dadstache Turns 7, 20% Off Sale

I originally wrote this post yesterday, shared it on all our socials and forgot to share it here. First thing first, use the code 7YEARS to get 20% off your order of anything in store.

And now, some reflections on 7 years of being a label and the path forward:

Seven years ago today, Joe, AJ and I released the first record under the Dadstache name. An odd and still confusing choice to launch a label on the Fourth of July, but I'm pretty sure we never would've thought it was going to be something I'd still be doing seven years later.

I have complicated feelings about that - a label started by three white men, launched on the Fourth of July, a holiday ostensibly to celebrate freedom in a country where not everyone is actually free. I'm proud of how far the label has come in that time, but I think it can go further in being representative of the kind of world I'd like to live in. For too long I accepted that the world of DIY and indie music was tailor made for people like me, ignoring that we participated in perpetuating the stereotypes and had a responsibility to reshape who the spaces we inhabit are created for. If you feel like your voice isn't being heard, or you have something to say that's not being said - start a band, start a label, start whatever it is that you want and know that our platform and label family is here to reach out and pull you up with us.

I'm incredibly grateful to all of the bands and artists who've entrusted me with their art and friendship, who have helped this label to grow far beyond my expectations. I'm also grateful to all of the incredible support our fans and listeners have shown over these last seven years, helping us to grow and do better and make our community a better and more inclusive one. The work is far from done but I'm hopeful for whatever the future holds for this label and I'm excited to see it grow into what I'd always hoped it could be.

Thanks for sticking with me these last seven years, I hope you'll be around for the rest.

JT Fitzgerald